Saturday, November 19, 2011

What do you mean by v.s.o.p. in remy martin v.s.o.p.?

very superior old pale|||Very Special Old Pale.

The specialty names are based purely on the age of the Cognac. Consider:

VS - must be at least 4.5 years old

VSOP - must be at 4.5 to 6.5 years old

XO (Also called Napoleon or Imperial) - must be more than 6.5 years old

The term was coined by King George the 4th of Britain when he requested VSOP from the manufacturer Hennessy in 1817. The distinction has existed ever since.|||brandy for V.S.O.P. (very special and outstanding people)|||The unofficial grades used to market cognac include:

VS (Very Special) or *** (three stars), where the youngest brandy is stored at least two years in cask.

VSOP (Very Superior Old Pale), or R茅serve, where the youngest brandy is stored at least four years in cask.

XO (Extra Old), Napol茅on, Hors d'Age, where the youngest brandy is stored at least six years in cask.

Note: these 'grades' are not official cognac grades (they are

appropriate for brandy) and are simply marketing labels used by certain high profile cognac brands. More traditional cognac houses do not use these grades

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